Sakai Design Associate
まったく新しい形のHDD DVDレコーダーです。テレビがどんどん薄くなっていくのに周辺機器がいつまでも箱型なのはおかしなことだと思いませんか?壁にぴったりつけられる薄型TVの脇にすっとデジタル機器が並んだらどれだけ美しいでしょう。

This is quite a newly formed HDD DVD recorder. Even though TVs have been getting thinner and thinner, the peripherals are still box- shaped – don’t you think it lacks a healthy balance? It would be beautiful if there were a super-slim peripherals that goes with thin TVs. As this design work was for a small company, there were some constraints on inner structure design. However, I had felt it uncomfortable to the un-balance between TVs and box-shaped DVD recorder so that I easily laid out the inner gear.
This product can record all programs of 8 channels for a week. After the first switch-on, it automatically records all and recommends the best programs for the user through Internet. We decided the materials, light-permeableness and the flash style following the design theme is ‘independent machine’. It’s notable that we did not to any mass marketing. Instead, we set a model person and did hearing about his personal tastes and the way of thinking. So basically this design was done just for him and the style became edgy, however it does not relate to our marketing method. This approach could be used for a mass an product. We just thought the profile of users, price, situation and sales figures then decided the style. It took me 4 years long to finish this project(so this product was designed more than three years ago), but the client had really robust support for it – so that I could put the design concept into the final design without questions.

这是全新外型的HDD DVD录像机。各位是否曾经觉得不解,为什么电视越来越薄,但是周边机器却仍旧是一成不变的箱型?如果,装设在墙上的薄型电视旁,陈列着轻巧的数字机器,一定是非常漂亮美观。

In Production | Aluminum, Acrylic resin |



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